Sunday 25 April 2010

Sagway Sport

Sagway polo is similar to horse polo, but players have to ride on segway instead of riding on horseback. The rules were adapted from bycicle polo and horse polo. The once team's players hit a ball with their rackets, trying to get the ball into the other team's goal. Although segway polo is not a big sport, segway polo is gaining popularity and teams have gone to many countries such as United States, Germany, Spain and New Zealand. Some of these teams have started to compete against each other.

Segway has function to respond the players who ride on it . If the players lean forward, the segway will move forward. It will stop or slow down when players lean backward and it is able to be moved to the right and left as the players control.
Although segway have a high quality in many ways, but in my opinion, people who play sport should have used their body to move instead of riding a machine, because the more people move their body, the stronger they will gain.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Volcanic Eruption

Volcano is generally an active mountain that has magma preparing to explode. It is place on the earth's surface where there are molten rock and gasses erupt through the earth's crust. Volcano is very quiet in their structure, some are cracks in the earth's crust where lava erupt, and some mountains there are shapes like sheilds or domes.

The structure of magma consist of molten rock inside the earth's crust and when it erupt through the earth's surface it is call lava. Lava can be thick and moving slow or thin and moving fast. Rock also comes from volcanoes in other form, including ash, cinders and pumice.

It has now become evident to me volcanic eruption can cause great damage to environment or to residents such as losing their lives and properties. For example there was the volcano eruption in Iceland and It caused Iceland losing their income so they had to close their airline services for a while because there was too much ash and smoke in the Iceland's iterritorial sky. "Click here to watch video"